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The path of the ICT development of the "Smart city" in Uzbekistan

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Actuality of the topic of final qualifying work. The rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the world and the introduction of smart cities based on them, is one of the global processes of the present, and the formation of the information infrastructure and the modernization of public administration are among the priorities of the state. At this stage of development of our country it is important to take our place in the global information space. The development of the sector of information and communication technologies and “e-government” can increase the competitiveness of the economy on the world market, and will also help to bring the country to a new level of development characterized by intensive structural shifts in favor of a high -tech information sector.

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Qo'shimcha ma'lumot

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2021-2024 yil Axborot-resurs markazi. Vebmaster: J.R. Rabbinov