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The main goal of discipline “Microeconomics” the formation of knowledge and skills of students in the subject of the primary units of the national economy and for adoption of rational decisions, i.e. the activities of individual companies, individual c

Yuklab olish: Elektron fayl


Microeconomics–Fayziyev Sh. Sh. Muhitdinova M. Z. Nazarova G. X.–Миcроеcономиcс–Файзиев ш. ш. Муҳитдинова М. З. Назарова Г.

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Yuklab olish: Elektron fayl


Microeconomics–Fayziyev Sh. Sh. Muhitdinova M. Z. Nazarova G. X.–Миcроеcономиcс–Файзиев ш. ш. Муҳитдинова М. З. Назарова Г.

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2021-2024 yil Axborot-resurs markazi. Vebmaster: J.R. Rabbinov