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Informatics and information technology

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This book written by the professor of the Tashkent Financial Institute Ayupov R. X and Baltabaeva G. R. for students who learning economic subjects like economics, finance, bank, accounting and etc. in economic related universities.

Yuklab olish: Elektron fayl


Informatics and information technology–Ayupov R. H.–Информатиcс анд информатион тешнологй–Аюпов Р. ҳ.

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Yuklab olish: Elektron fayl


Informatics and information technology–Ayupov R. H.–Информатиcс анд информатион тешнологй–Аюпов Р. ҳ.

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2021-2024 yil Axborot-resurs markazi. Vebmaster: J.R. Rabbinov