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English reader on economics

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This exercise-book has been written especially for students of English who wish to improve their understanding and active use of economical terms in their future work. It is suitable for all learners from economical courses either as an exercise-book o

Yuklab olish: Elektron fayl


English reader on economics–Abidova D. A. Mirzamuxamedova M. Saidniyozova X.–Енглиш реадер он еcономиcс–Абидова Д. А. Мирзамухамедова М. Саидниёзова Х.

Ushbu mahsulot omborda qolmadi.

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Yuklab olish: Elektron fayl


English reader on economics–Abidova D. A. Mirzamuxamedova M. Saidniyozova X.–Енглиш реадер он еcономиcс–Абидова Д. А. Мирзамухамедова М. Саидниёзова Х.

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2021-2024 yil Axborot-resurs markazi. Vebmaster: J.R. Rabbinov