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Accounting for long-term assets valuation

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he work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and proposals, bibliography and appendixes. Introduction part of the work indicates the relevance, subject, object, goal, tasks, theoretical and practical essence of the final qualification w

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Accounting for long-term assets valuation–Yuldashev Yu. G.–Аccоунтинг фор лонг-терм ассец валуатион–юлдашев ю. Г.

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Yuklab olish: Elektron fayl


Accounting for long-term assets valuation–Yuldashev Yu. G.–Аccоунтинг фор лонг-терм ассец валуатион–юлдашев ю. Г.

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2021-2024 yil Axborot-resurs markazi. Vebmaster: J.R. Rabbinov