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Informatics and information technology (Book 2)

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This book written by the professor of the Tashkent Financial Institute Ayupov Ravshan Khamdamovich for students learning economic subjects like economics, finance, bank, accounting and etc. in economic related universities.

Yuklab olish: Elektron fayl


Informatics and information technology (Book 2)–Ayupov R. H.–Информатиcс анд информатион тешнологй (Боок 2)–Аюпов Р. ҳ.

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Yuklab olish: Elektron fayl


Informatics and information technology (Book 2)–Ayupov R. H.–Информатиcс анд информатион тешнологй (Боок 2)–Аюпов Р. ҳ.

Qo'shimcha ma'lumot

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2021-2024 yil Axborot-resurs markazi. Vebmaster: J.R. Rabbinov